Veteran film producer Sobhana Parameswaran Nair died on Wednesday, may 20 th 2009. He was 83.He entered cinema as still photographer for path- breaking Malayalam film Neelkkuyil. He went on to produce for hits such as Murapennu, Ninamaninja Kaalpadukal, Nagarama nandhi, Abhayam and Kallichellamma. He was part of a group that introduced meaning ful changes in Malayalam cinema.
Born at Chirayinkeezhu in Thruvananthapuram, he became an inseparable part of Thrissur’s cultural world after he set up his studio. He was a film producer who created genuine works of art. He is survived by his wife saraswathi Amma, former Thrissur deputy collector, and daughter supriya.
Sri Parameswaran Nair ws a producer who had realized that Cinema had a cultural value over and above based on Malayalam Literary works.
Prof John Kurakar
Veteran film producer Sobhana Parameswaran Nair died on Wednesday, may 20 th 2009. He was 83.He entered cinema as still photographer for path- breaking Malayalam film Neelkkuyil. He went on to produce for hits such as Murapennu, Ninamaninja Kaalpadukal, Nagarama nandhi, Abhayam and Kallichellamma. He was part of a group that introduced meaning ful changes in Malayalam cinema.
Born at Chirayinkeezhu in Thruvananthapuram, he became an inseparable part of Thrissur’s cultural world after he set up his studio. He was a film producer who created genuine works of art. He is survived by his wife saraswathi Amma, former Thrissur deputy collector, and daughter supriya.
Sri Parameswaran Nair ws a producer who had realized that Cinema had a cultural value over and above based on Malayalam Literary works.
Prof John Kurakar
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